Facebook PixelDot Torture Shooting Drill | Trigger Pressers
This article was last updated on August 3, 2020.

The Dot Torture Drill is an excellent marksmanship drill that forces you to focus on trigger control – that is, pressing the trigger without moving the rest of firearm.

A passing score is 100%, no exceptions. Miss one shot and you fail.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Handgun
  • Holster
  • 50 rounds of target ammunition
  • At least one spare magazine or speedloader
  • Eye and ear protection
  • Dot Torture target

Course of Fire

The 10 dots (targets) are 2-inches in diameter, with each having a different course of fire. You'll begin with the target 3 yards away. The aim, no pun intended, is to increase the distance when you're able to shoot a perfect score, with all 50 rounds inside the 10 dots. You can also keep the distance the same but set a time limit, forcing you to shoot faster while still maintaining 100% accuracy.

Dot 1

From the holster, fire 5 rounds on dot 1.

Dot 2

From the holster, fire 1 round on dot 2, and re-holster. Repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 rounds.

Dots 3 & 4

From the holster, fire 1 round on dot 3, 1 round on dot 4, and re-holster. Repeat 3 more times for a total of 8 rounds.

Dot 5

From the holster, fire 5 rounds, strong hand only, on dot 5.

Dots 6 & 7

From the holster, fire 2 rounds on dot 6, 2 rounds on dot 7, and re-holster. Repeat 3 more times for a total of 16 rounds.

Dot 8

From the ready, fire 5 rounds, support hand only, on dot 8.

Dots 9 & 10

From the holster, fire 1 round on dot 9, speed reload, fire 1 round on dot 10, and re-holster. Repeat 2 more times for a total of 6 rounds.

Give It A Shot

It's addicting, and you'll quickly realize the torture once you miss one of the last few shots – so close, but so far.